Thursday, January 31, 2013

30 January - Wilson's Prom etc

Zane had a day off today so the plan was to ride to the Prom. The weather forecast looked great but when I set off on the Beemer at 08:30 it was overcast and chilly so I decided to refit the winter liner in my riding jacket. That proved to be my best idea for the day, as it was still quite chilly when we reached Tidal River. After checking out the beach and the river we each had an excellent Prom Burger and decided that due to our early start we would also have time to ride home via Yarra and visit the Yarra Bakery Cafe as well. By the time we got to Foster, the weather finally lived up to its forecast and the by the time we reached Yarram I decided to go for an iced coffee instead of the usual cafe latte. Having got into the swing of things by now we decided to ride home the through Tarra Valley and over Mt Tassie.
Altogether a great time.

Total Distance 340km.

27 January - Sth Gippsland Highway

Apart from a short ride to Walhalla with Marcus, (on his way home from a trip around Oz) January has been a bit lean - just some short rides to keep the batteries charged (on the bikes that is). Today I decided to take a leisurely trip down to Yarram to top up with some goodies from the bakery there, and to come home along the Sth Gippsland Highway and return via Meeniyan and Mirboo North. On an impulse I hopped on the Honda instead of the BMW.  It was like catching up with an old friend. I really enjoyed the comfort and relaxed pace of the bike and by the time I reached home I had decided not to sell it and to keep it as well as the Beemer. I now realise that while there are many days when the BMW is the bike of choice there will also be days when my trusty shaft driven cruiser will be the way to go. With a bit of rearranging they both fit in the garage (along with two cars). I immediately gave the old girl a wash and a polish and am delighted to see her gleaming away waiting for the next ride.

Total Kilometers 240 km

Monday, January 7, 2013

7 Jan 2013 - Walhalla

Marcus arrived yesterday on the final leg of his around Australia trip. We've been following the blog of his adventures for the past 9 months and it was great to catch up in person. Today the forecast was for 34ºC so we took both Beemers for a spin to Walhalla. Sat on the banks of a crystal clear Stringers Creek to enjoy our coffees and the sunshine. Returned home via Erica and Yallourn North.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

3 Jan 2013 - Warburton and Olinda

The forecast today was for a hot fine day and it seemed like the right time for the first ride for 2013.
Took the back road to Warburton via Noojee, Powelltown and Yarra Junction and had lunch at my usual hangout - Three Sugars - excellent as always. Then a pleasant ride along the Warburton Highway and up to Olinda in the Dandenongs to visit Pie in the Sky and pick up some goodies for home. Made a silly mistake parking the bike on an excessively sloping surface, and had to get two sturdy lads to hold it in the upright position for  me so that I could get underway. Thanks guys! Home through Pakenham and along the Princes Highway.

Total Distance 340 km